The Anarchists Tool Chest

Just finished reading the Anarchists Tool Chest by Christopher Schwartz.

Its inspired me to build my own chest and stock with it quality tools made where possible by small firms and individuals who are keeping the tools needed for traditional woodworking alive. Chris has wicked sense of humour which, once I tuned into it, added a nice touch of levity to the material.

The book is about what Chris describes as the essential set of tools needed to practise traditional hand tool woodworking. Its also about building a chest to house them. What really makes the book though is Chris’s philosophy that permeates the text, this is what the use of ‘Anarchist’ in the title references.

"The mere act of owing real tools and having the power to use them is a radical and rare idea that can help change the world around us and – if we are persistent – preserve the craft"

The book is published by Lost Art Press who describe themselves as

 a small publishing company in Fort Mitchell, Ky., that seeks to help the modern woodworker learn traditional hand-tool skills.

They have a collection of good stuff for those into the hand tool world. They don’t ship internationally so I bought mine as a Kindle book. I also bought the DVD, Chris put this together as he had many requests to describe the tools he has in his own chest in more detail, going into brands and why he choose them. Its available from Lost Art (here) is well worth getting as an accompaniment to the book.